
Magister Administrasi Publik

Admission Information

UM (Independent Selection)

The Postgraduate Independent Selection/Exam (S2/S3) and Undip Profession Program are held in an integrated manner in the UM registration system managed by the Education Quality Assurance and Development Institute (LP2MP) of Universitas Diponegoro.

Registration Procedures:

  1. Participants should prepare certificates, transcripts and other files in pdf format
  2. Participants should create an account using email CLICK HERE
  3. Participants select UM S2/UM S3/UM PROFESI
  4. Participants should pay the registration fee at the designated bank (Bank BNI, Bank BRI, Bank BTN, Bank Mandiri) CLICK HERE
  5. Participants should print out their exam cards
  6. Participants should take the exam online

Exams Material

  1. Scholastic Potential Test (TPS): Verbal, Numerical, and Logic,
  2. English Test: Reading and Structure;
  3. Scientific Substance Test (in the form of an online interview / written test by the study program)


Registration Calendar for Even Semester Batch 1


Online Registration : November 28, 2022 – January 9, 2023
Writing Selection Test (online) : January 15, 2023 ( Academic Potential Test at 07:30-10:00 GMT+7 and English Test at 10:30-12:00 GMT+7)
Study Program Interview Selection Test : January 15 – 17, 2023 (Schedule will be announced later)
Announcement of Academic Selection : January 24, 2023

Registration Fee

  1. Registration fee for Masters and Profession program: Rp. 750,000,- (Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Rupiah)
  2. Registration fee for Doctoral program: Rp. 1.000,000,- (One million Rupiah)


Note: All paid service fees are non-refundable for any reason. For the circular letter of the withdrawal of the registration fee, please check here

Requirements to join the Master’s Program:


PT Bank Mandiri

  • Payment via Bank Teller by mentioning University Name and Billkey Number
  • Payment via ATM
    1. Select Bayar/Beli Menu
    2. Pendidikan/Education
    3. Enter the UNDIP code, which is 10004, then press benar/OK
    4. Enter Billkey Number
    5. Press the benar/correct button
    6. The screen will show the amount to be paid, then press 1 if you want to make the payment
    7. To make a payment press YA/YES, to cancel a payment press TIDAK/NO
    8. Transaction completed. Payment data will be automatically printed on the receipt/slip. Please copy and save the receipt if needed later
  • Payment via Mandiri Online (Internet Banking)
    1. Log in to the Mandiri Online application or access the website at with your Mandiri Online user id and password.
    2. On the main menu select BAYAR/PAY menu then select the PENDIDIKAN/EDUCATION menu
    3. In the DARI REKENING/FROM ACCOUNT field, select your account that will be used for transactions
    5. In the NIM field, fill in the Billkey Number
    6. Then click lanjutkan/continue, and the screen will display the amount to be paid
    7. Kemudian cantumkan tanda (V) di total pembayaran
    8. If the data is correct, click Lanjutkan/Continue
    9. Enter the 6-digit Mandiri PIN (for transactions via the application) and the 6-digit Mandiri PIN obtained from the Mandiri PIN token then click KIRIM/SEND
    10. Wait for a response from the Mandiri Online system for the transaction status